Building Stronger Montanans

Our Thrive Factors Model and programming brings together assessment, training/development, coaching/mentoring, and integrative solutions to help Montana's service members, veterans, first responders, and their families thrive.

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Impact Montana

Our Definition of a Warrior

We define a warrior as someone who has engaged in battle, or conflict, and has wounds and/or scars (both seen and unseen) from it.

Warrior's battle scars don't always heal over time. Often, individuals who have experienced conflict can use a hand-up to move forward. We are here to help warriors move forward with a hand-up and become the best version of themselves.

In our case, we include service members, veterans, first responders, and their families among those we support in their ability to thrive. When our warriors are thriving and strong, Montana is stronger!

It Takes a Community

We wholeheartedly recognize that it takes a community to make sure our warriors are functioning at their peak level, despite their circumstances. That is why we are actively creating a statewide community to help our warriors become better tomorrow than they are today. When a warrior is strong, they are able to get back to being an asset in their community.

Our community includes: 

Warrior's Process for Support

The support we provide is unique in that we have developed our programming based on Montana-specific challenges and professional work experience addressing issues that those in service face. The outcome for individuals in our programming is based on our coaching/mentoring and specifically their desire to find their "thrive" and discipline to be able to get there. We are simply here to provide the tools and encouragement to help individuals with the motivation and discipline to be successful.

There is no standard protocol or recipe for IM support as each individual that steps in to our programming is served based on their circumstances and their personal goals/objectives.

Our programming is based on the following pillars:

  • Coaching and Mentoring (utilizing our Thrive Factors Model)
  • Training (both Impact Montana and outside organization training)
  • Connection to integrative health and community solutions
  • Additional community-based support

Learn more about the Thrive Factors Model and our Integrative Health Service Partner Network on the OUR SUPPORT page.

We lay out the steps to get plugged in below:

Am I a good candidate for IM programming?

Watch this video

+ Step 1: Qualify

Are you interested in becoming an Impact Montana program participant? Fill out the quick form and we will connect with you to discuss your qualifications.Submit the Qualification Form ⟩

+ Step 2: Orientation

Once the interested participant and an IM team member connect the link to the participant orientation is sent so the individual can get a better understanding on who Impact Montana is.

+ Step 3: Demographics Survey/Thrive Factors Assessment

After the orientation is finished we will send the link for the individual to complete the Demographics Survey and Thrive Factors Assessment.

+ Step 4: Creating a Prescription to Thrive

This is where the individual works with Impact Montana to determine what program track is the best fit for the participant. All participants will be involved in completing their Participant Agreement relative to their program track. The participant also starts investing in their journey and supporting others by setting up their monthly contribution to IM.

+ Step 5: Thrive Action Plan Execution

The participant begins to pursue their objective identified in their Thrive Action Plan, which includes coaching/mentoring participating in the 90 Day Live2Thrive Challenge and additional training offered through Impact Montana. 

+ Step 6: Progress Assessment

Here is where we get to validate the individual’s growth.  Assessments are completed every six months to make sure participants are on the path to thriving.

Additional Dynamic Organizations

We know that there is not one organization that can take on the responsibility of this support. That's why we designed a model that addresses six functional areas relative to our organizational culture and capabilities that supports an individual and/or family's ability to thrive. If part of the individual's needs go outside of our capabilities, we make sure to connect them with additional dynamic organizations focused on Montanans that will assist them in their pursuit to thrive. 
